Thank you for purchasing the future tecnology of investing
Software script. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this
help file, please feel free to email via our user page contact form or
contact us directly using below email address . Again Thank
you so much!
If you face any kind of problem during installation phase of Software - Do Not
Worry - We are here to help you!! Contact us
directly at below information
Whats app Support : +8801775391091
✓ PHP Version 7.4 or higher
✓ MySQL Version 5.7+ or MariaDB version 10.2+
✓ BCMath PHP Extension
✓ Ctype PHP Extension
✓ Fileinfo PHP extension
✓ JSON PHP Extension
✓ Mbstring PHP Extension
✓ OpenSSL PHP Extension
✓ PDO PHP Extension
✓ PDO_MYSQL PHP Extension
✓ Tokenizer PHP Extension
✓ XML PHP Extension
✓ CURL PHP Extension
✓ GD PHP Extension
✓ GMP PHP Extension
✓ after installation you definetly need to setup cronjobs and email setup first
Question: How much times take to give support ?
Answer: We are taking 2 business days to provide support usually
Question: Does this software can use online server and local host both?
Answer: Yes, you can use this software both server.
Question: Does this software support online payment Gateway and manual too?
Answer: This software support both of these. for online payment paypayl , stripe etc
Question: If i failed to installation do you support to install ?
Answer: Chill , no worries we will give you the support to complete installation
Question: If i want to add some extra functionality may i or you can do this ?
Answer: Yes, We do to add extra functionality contact with us by whats app +8801775391091 and if you are developer then you can also do this thanks
Installation is very easy with Auto Installer. You can install yourself with few steps without zero coding knowledge.
STEP 1 Get started and read the licence faq document
STEP 2 Check all requirements and go to the next steps
STEP 3 Check all file permission is ok or not
STEP 5 If all is ok then you will get a information Successfully Installed click on visit home page and the main site will be launched
After installation, There will be two folders and two files will be in your main folder.
On the "asset" folder, We keep all kinds of assets like CSS, JS, Images. If you want To edit or change anything over CSS or js, please have a look at this folder.
On the "core" folder, We keep the core of Laravel and we maintain full MVC structure on this project.
HYIPMAX High Yeild Investment Platform Software script. Here you can manage Dashboard Manage Referral, Manage Time, Manage Plan, User Interest Log, Manage Users, Ticket, Payment Gateway, Manual Payments, Manage Withdraw, Email Manager, General Settings, Manage Language, Frontend, Newsletter Subscriber, Report etc..
Dashboard > Here you can find out the short list Total Invest,
Total Pending
Total Interest Amount,
Total User,
Total Active User,
Total Deactived
Total Withdraw, Invest Report,
Withdraw Report,
Withdraw Charge,
Withdraw Gateways,
All Users etc..
Copy the curl code from Dashboard and paste this in server > cronjobs
Now we have 2 layouts theme , so anyone you can make active
User can make deposit and as a Admin you can approve , reject this deposit balance
this a program which manage affiliate refferal , and here you can make multi level referral comission just input how many level you want to create input that number and get filled for how many commision you want to add there.Investment Commission, Interest Commission ,Here you can manage Level, Commission, Change Status,Generate.
Here you can view, edit, SL, Name, Time, Action, . This time actually a period of interest back time . so you can define this time in this section. you can make this second , minute , hour , month, yearly system
In manage plan section you can add, view, edit SL, Plan Name, Invest Limit,
Status, Action. Information,
Plan name = make your desire plan name.
Amount = It Could be range system ex. 10$ to 100$ or could be fixed Amount.
Return / Interest (Every Time) = This is the insterest amount .
Return For = perios means here , a certain time it will come back.
Capital Back = this option is for total invested amount would be backed or not
this option manage this.
Status = you can enable or disable anytime.
Here you find Sl, Name, Plan Name, Interest Amount, How Many Time Get Paid, Date. in this portion , you can see the user interest log , which time they get paid and how much as a admin can trace this portion.
In manage users section you can manage,
view active/ Deactive
user's Sl,
Full Name,
As a admin you can also secrectly login user account
This is very important , a user can take support from this ticket system and admin can easily answer in the reply section. morover you can also attach the media files too.
you can manage Payment Gateway . and this dynamic so you can easily setup all
the things.
Manual Payments you can add your payment manually and also manage Accepted/ Pending/ Rejected payments. Accepted/ Pending/ Rejected payment
In this section you can set up the withdraws methods and also manage
Rejected withdraws.
In this section you can manage deposit systen m
Rejected deposit.
In general setting section you can manage your Site Name,
Site Currency,
Copyright Text,
Map Link,
SMS Verification,
User Registration,
Frontend Login Image,
Frontend Breadcrumbs Image,
Main Background
Image and also manage General Settings,
Preloader Setting, Google Analytics,
Google Recaptcha,
Live Chat Setting,
Global SEO Manager,
Cache Clear.
Here you can set your langauage setting. you can add any kind of language with accurate keyword
Here you can manage Frontend Pages,
Banner Section,
About Section,
Faq Section,
Footer Section,
Plan Section,
Howitwork Section,
Transaction Section,
Newsletter Section,
Blog Section,
Testimonial Section
Service Section,
Privacy Policy Section.
Here you can manage Newsletter Subscriber
In this section you will find all payments and withdraws report and also view
the Transactions list,
Daily report
Monthly report
Yearly report
Custom range report